A Dutch appeals court held on Feb. 14, 2018:
In cases in which the children's objections go farther than expressing a mere preference not to return, and in which the children's testimony is consistent and there is evidence of severe insecurity, instability and uncertainty in the environment to which they are to be returned, return may be refused under Art. 13(2) of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention, provided the children have attained the appropriate age and degree of maturity - Ordering the return of only some of the children will result in separation, which could place the returned children in an intolerable situation.
Return may be refused under Art. 13(1)(b) of the Convention for all children where there is a history of repeated domestic violence, intervention of the courts and social workers, and where the children have suffered from frequent changes of residence and school; and where the care provided in the requested State is restoring continuity to their lives and enabling them to process their trauma, such that it is in their best interests to remain there.
From English synopsis on Incadat database
Case Name: [father] tegen [mother]
Hof Den Haag 14 februari 2018, ECLI:NL:GHDHA:2018:296
Gerechtshof Den Haag [Appellate Court]