To get complete information and citations, you should also review the Divorce Statistics Collection’s page on your topic:
Correlations with Other Factors: Age | Alcoholic parents | Children of Divorce Getting Divorced
Cohabitation | Current Events| Gender of Children | Laws | Marriage education programs | Occupation | Poverty | Race | Region | Religion | Smoking | Unrealistic Expectations
Effects on Society: Domestic Violence | Social-Economic-Taxpayer Costs | Effects on Black Community
Effects on Divorced People: Domestic Violence | Economic | Happiness | Physical and Mental Health
Effects on Children: Generally | Child Abuse | Poverty | Crime | Crime | Physical Health | Mental Health/Behavioral | Social Skills/Adjustment | Suicide | Teen & single parenthood | Exposure to family
conflict | Stepfamilies | African American Children
Other: Summary of Our Findings So Far| Causes of individual divorces
Divorce affects life of people relating to it but children are most affected. Mostly parents avoid feelings of their child & stay rigid on their decision. It pushes kids towards situations like suicide. Today lawyers are trying to find ways for communication between kids & divorced parents even if they are going through a rough period so that forth coming situations can be handled.
Posted by: Virginia Divorce Lawyers | April 25, 2011 at 01:42 AM