"How large is the problem in terms of marriage and divorce in the US military? Since the start of the campaign in Afghanistan in 2001, over 56,000 service personnel have gotten divorced, according to an Associated Press report in February 2006. There are about 3⁄4 of a million military personnel on active duty who are married, including almost 100,000 dual military couples. According to the Army, 6% of married officers and 3.5% of enlisted soldiers got divorces in 2004, the most recent year for which figures are available. The Army’s overall divorce rate for 2000, before the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, was 2.2%."
-- From the course materials for an American Bar Association continuing education seminar, "Military Custody and Visitation – Twists and Turns", delivered March 19, 2008 by Red Bank, N.J. lawyer Patricia Apy, Chair, Military Committee, ABA Family Law Section, and Raleigh, N.C. lawyer Mark E. Sullivan, author, The Military Divorce Handbook (Am. Bar Assn. 2006)