(Not including remarrieds, and by state of current residence, not place of divorce) From:
"Bloomberg Best (and Worst) - Biggest Increase in Divorce - States: Forty-nine states, led by Maine, have a higher percentage of divorced residents now than in 2007"
[extra letter "t" in state names when table pasted in, left because meaning still clear]
Rank | State | Change in divorce rate (percentage points) | Divorced 2012 | Divorced 2007 |
16 | Alabamat |
16 | Alaskat |
45 | Arizonat |
5 | Arkansast |
40 | Californiat |
45 | Coloradot |
13 | Connecticutt |
5 | Delawaret |
51 | District of Columbiat |
16 | Floridat |
48 | Georgiat |
43 | Hawaiit |
9 | Idahot |
35 | Illinoist |
33 | Indianat |
4 | Iowat |
9 | Kansast |
24 | Kentuckyt |
7 | Louisianat |
1 | Mainet |
24 | Marylandt |
13 | Massachusettst |
24 | Michigant |
24 | Minnesotat |
8 | Mississippit |
22 | Missourit |
45 | Montanat |
24 | Nebraskat |
9 | Nevadat |
16 | New Hampshiret |
37 | New Jerseyt |
37 | New Mexicot |
33 | New Yorkt |
24 | North Carolinat |
2 | North Dakotat |
16 | Ohiot |
24 | Oklahomat |
22 | Oregont |
40 | Pennsylvaniat |
16 | Rhode Islandt |
24 | South Carolinat |
9 | South Dakotat |
40 | Tennesseet |
37 | Texast |
35 | Utaht |
48 | Vermontt |
24 | Virginiat |
43 | Washingtont |
2 | West Virginiat |
13 | Wisconsint |
50 | Wyomingt |