The CDC's National Center for Health Statistics released the latest state by state divorce rates as part of "Divorce Rates by State: 1990, 1995, and 1999-2021".
Massachusetts had one divorce per 1,000 population in 2020 and 2021, the nation's lowest divorce rate for both years. Nevada had 4.2 in 2021 but only 3.0 in 2020, its lowest rate this century and probably for most of the last century, too. Wyoming led the nation in 2020 with 3.8.
These are per capita rates, i.e., compared to the entire population of all ages, whether married or not. These rates make more sense if you double them, because there are two people in every divorce. So the nationwide rate of "2.5 per 1,000" means 0.5% of us got divorced in 2021. Likewise, 1.0 means that Massachusetts actually saw 0.2% of the population get divorced each year.